Weekly Commentary: Week in Review 27/04-02/05



Should we use the secular or the Church Slavonic variant of the term resurrection to describe the miraculous rising of the volunteer who received the anti-COVID-19 vaccine?
During the past week, misinformers have not been particularly inventive, opting in most cases to recycle or repackage their previous “works” and exploit the usual arrangements for their release.

Namely: anti-EU and anti-NATO narratives, conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, ethno-nationalism, and clericalism have been standard in the repertoire for the past seven days, too.

However, one announcement has rightfully earned the prestigious title of the weekly misinformation hit!

The news that Dr Elisa Granato, the volunteer who received the anti-COVID-19 test vaccine, had passed away, spread on Facebook, reaching of course our speaking area as well.

There is no need to elaborate on the exultation of the “awake ones” which accompanied the news in different media and social networks.

And then Elisa’s statement, live from the otherworld, came like a bolt from the blue: “Nothing quite like waking up to a fake article about one’s own death… I’m fine. Please do not share this article, we do not want to give them attention / clicks. Here’s a cute kitten instead”.

Having slightly recovered from the blow, the creators and proliferators of this and other anti-vax views were left to retreat to their four walls, and to debate whether they should use the secular or the Church Slavonic variant to describe Dr Granato’s resurrection. So that they might continue with their activities.

When they run out of topics with which to deceive the general public, our resourceful misinformation activists easily find inspiration in the 16th century. No wonder, really, because that’s where they belong.

This is why this week we also had the opportunity to read how Nostradamus had predicted the coronavirus, together with many other cataclysms that will occur before we even know it.

There was a lovely read about the disintegration of the US. The clash between the governors of several states and the POTUS Trump over how to best fight COVID-19 has been presented to us as the disintegration of this federal state.

It was also fun to read about the attempted “biological attack”, i.e. the “plan” of the Montenegrin police to infect the Metropolitan bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church Amfilohije Radović with the new coronavirus. Of course, the mastermind behind this idea wasthe dangerous hero of many a crime / romantic potboiler published these days – Montenegro’s President Milo Đukanović – to be envied by the popular novelist Mir-Jam herself.

As if the epidemic was not enough, by the end of the week we have been attacked by Satanists – in the form of the “global Satanism front runner” Marina Abramović and the “deep state envoy” in Montenegro Ranko Krivokapić.

This outcry was conveyed by some media outlets without any editorial comment, so it remained unclear whether the spreading of such assessments could be attributed to a journalistic satire of sorts, or rather to the need to “objectively inform the public”.

Attention citizens! Especially if someone invites you to watch Parliament sessions and chill. There you can see in live streaming a part of what we described in this text.

In addition, what was heard there last week can no longer be described as incidental – discourtesy and impudence are ingrained in the Parliament climate and culture. So don’t let yourself get contaminated!