Electric vehicles – Ideal “fuel” for conspiracy theories

How green are green vehicles? 

In the age of green movements and green technologies, a kind of predictable resistance is emerging. Keyboard warriors and a few of those who know more about this subject write extensively about how the new and green is actually much worse than what is intended to be left in the past as a byproduct of the industrial age. As things stand now, the online guerrilla warriors above do not have much to worry about, as coal and oil are unlikely to be phased out soon. However, they will have to get used to the growing number of electric vehicles (EVs) on the streets. 

What do the numbers say? 

The numbers say that electric vehicles (EVs) will make up about 70 percent of all vehicles on the roads by 2035. Sales have already seen a 34 percent increase. Despite talks about stalls in EV purchases, such as high costs, uncertainties regarding charging infrastructure and range, and the discontinuation of subsidies in some European nations, it poised this market for substantial growth. Especially with the anticipated release of “entry” models, those with prices for the average consumer. 

Are EVs safe and reliable? 

In one of the numerous articles that the Raskrinkavanje online portal deals with regarding green technologies, we investigated whether EVs would shut down in extremely cold weather… The verdict is that EV will endure (more or less) as much as any internal combustion engine vehicle in the cold, depending on how charged or fueled they are. We highlighted the example of Norway, one of the coldest countries globally, with the highest percentage of EV adoption. And, have you ever encountered a Norwegian who isn’t practical? 

Regarding other aspects of the reliability of EVs, one can probably discuss various drawbacks, similar to those that can be found in regular Škoda models. When it comes to safety, it is enough to say that, according to various studies, some EVs are at the top in tests, such as Tesla Model S, Rivian R1T, and Polestar 2. This implies that spontaneous combustion, as occasionally reported, is rare among EVs. Additionally, studies suggest that vehicles with internal combustion engines are even more susceptible to ignition than EVs. 

Are EVs green or not? 

The major criticism of electric vehicles is that they are not as green, meaning that their production and later disposal of harmful batteries further pollute the environment. While there is some truth to this, the final verdict still leans in favor of EVs over traditional vehicles. 

Namely, the initial production of EVs isn’t as environmentally friendly due to the materials used in battery manufacturing. However, according to some studies, the overall lifespan of EVs is up to three times better in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. This is because, during use, they do not emit CO2, unlike their counterparts. Another criticism is that EVs use the electrical grid, which is also not 100 percent “clean.” However, things are changing rapidly, and in the last decade alone, hundreds of power plants have been shut down in the United States, with a growing shift to solar and wind energy. This implies that EVs are increasingly powered by green energy. 

And then we come to the sweet spot that disinformers love to exploit, and that is – batteries. After an EV’s lifespan, batteries are not simply discarded in the nearest landfill – they can be recycled or repurposed. Although this process is not without risks and hasn’t gained widespread adoption, given the industry’s worth of 500 billion dollars, expected to triple by 2030, and heavily reliant on innovation, we anticipate new discoveries and patents that will address all questions regarding the “greenness” of the EV industry. 

Electric vehicles, in conclusion, do have environmental drawbacks, but they appear to be a superior alternative to traditional ones, whether one likes it or not. But the green wave has started and does not seem to be stopping anytime soon, despite attempts to discredit it within the disinformation ecosystem. 

Marko Vukajlovic, Raskrinkavanje.me