Democratic institutions

Through activities in this program area, we contribute to the construction of legal state based on integrity. Our goal is to build independent institutions that guarantee democracy, i.e. the balance between branches of government and fair election process. We advocate policies and mechanisms that guarantee democratic control of institutions and the responsibility of all participants in public life.

We are committed to the construction and preservation of democratic institutions based on responsibilities, impartiality, independence and openness. We fight for the public sector in which the public interest will have primacy over private. We contribute to the development of an active, dynamic and credible civil society based on the values of Western democracies.

  1. Conducting the 2023 Census in Montenegro: Circumstances, Transparency and Security of the Process – Dilemmas and Open Questions

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  2. 35 Recommendations for Electoral Reform

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  3. 2023 Montenegro Parliamentary Elections Report

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  4. Code for a Fair and Democratic Electoral Process

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  5. 2023 Presidental Election in Montenegro: Preliminary Report

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  6. Geopolitics, State Capture and Peak Corruption: What is Next for Anticorruption in the Western Balkans?

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  7. Undermining Democracy Vol 2: Elections That are Anything But

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  8. Undermining Democracy Vol 1: Vicious Disturbances of the Constitutional Balance of Power

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  9. On the Brink of Sanity: Report on the State of Radicalization and Violent Extremism in Montenegro

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  10. The First 10 Years of EU-Montenegro Negotiations

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